Monthly Archives: November 2010


I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and reflecting about life lately. I’m really nervous about all of the choices I’ve been making and how they will affect my life in the future. Right now I’m especially nervous about college. I don’t know what kind of job I can get with a degree in Global Studies. Lately I’ve been throwing around the idea of getting my advanced degree in Business because I think it would be fun to travel around the world building connections through something as international as business. But I’m not sure if Global is even accredited as a US college, which will prove to be a huge set back for when I’m applying to Grad Schools. And even at this point I know that if I don’t get into a decent grad school I won’t be getting a job that can sustain my current standard of living.

I’ve also been thinking about joining the Peace Corps after college, I think it would be a great experience. But again I’m not sure if this is a good decision to follow through on.

My dad has told me not to worry about the future because things will always work out in the end. But especially in a time like this, I feel like I have to worry about the future, otherwise it will come bite me in the butt.

I’m just really nervous that taking such an alternative path for college. Sometimes I wish I could just see how my future would turn out so I could know if I’m making the right choices or not.

Ugh. Barf.

Love, Alex

1 Comment

Posted by on November 17, 2010 in Guatemala